Training your hair

Training your hair is just brushing it the way you want it to grow. Its really like training a dog. It takes a lot of work at first, but once you have it trained then you don't have to tell it what to do as much, if at all (brushin it).

Its good to start with low hair when you first start to train you hair. (My waves look even better than before now that I cut off my fro and started from scratch) Get a short haircut and use the brushing habits below.

Until your waves are in deep, DO NOT return your hair to its original training length when it is time to get a haircut. (Remember your hair shouldn't get your hair cut too short after you begin training. If you are used to short haircuts then the length your hair would normally be when you get a haircut is the perfect length that you want your hair to be when you go in for a trim.)

You should wait about a week and a half longer than usual and then go in for a TRIM NOT A HAIRCUT. This may seem a little long but it helps your waves form better.) After your first trim you should get a trim about every week or so. Until you finish training. It is quite expensive at first, but after your waves are trained the benefit is that you can get your hair cut all the way down like you used to AND wait a little longer than you used to before you have to go get a haircut. It actually starts to look nicer towards the time you may decide to get a haircut.

(I get mine cut about once every 3 or 4 weeks and a line up when I need it but every now and then I go a LONG time without cutting it by laying it down really good. If you get real good at laying it down then you may not cut your hair until about a month or so. Believe it or not, the waves look a lot better.)

After at least 2 or 3 weeks you should see a difference and after about 5 or 6 weeks (at most) your hair should be through training and your waves should be in deep enough to get a lower haircut if you want to.
