I enjoy traveling and always try to imprint the most beautiful moments in photographs, so I always carry a camera with me. I'd like to share a piece of simple advice which can help to make really good shots while travelling around cities.
If the first trial shots turn out to be too dark or vice versa too light try to correct the exposition.

For Digital Cameras:

    Set the M-mode (manual)
    Turn the flash off, set ISO to minimum

If the first trial shots turn out to be too dark or vice versa too light try to correct the exposition.

Unlike portrait shooting, for the city landscape shots you don't need high-aperture lens, you just need everything to be in focus and for this purpose you need maximum depth of sharpness. This way you'll be able to make great landscapes with a simple hand-held camera and everything will be in focus with it!
Golden Ratio
The main rule of the right shot composition is the golden ratio rule. The matter is that if the future shot is divided by three horizontal and three vertical lines proportionally to achieve the most attractive result you should pace the main object in the shot on one of these lines.
