Over the past 14 years, the global data port  or USB as a standardized interface for connecting different electronic devices to the computer. It does not matter that an external hard drive, digital camera, mouse, printer or scanner, because the physical connection to transfer information between devices is generally performed by a USB cable. The interface is actually an interface is adopted on a global scale

USB technology has been in development since 1993. The first version USB called USB 1.0 was introduced formally in 1996. The standard bit rate of data transfer from one device to another (low-speed data transfer rates of 1.5 Mbit / s for sub-channel keyboard and mouse, and channel speed of 12 Mbit / s). USB 2.0 came out in 2001, revolutionized the speed of data transfer speed was incredible and gigantic 480 Mbit / s. (Compared with 12 to 480 pieces!), Followed by a 9-year hiatus 2010, USB 3.0 was finally released.
In this article we tell you what you expect to have 3.0 USB 3.0 and how it can affect your life in the future.
USB 3.0 Specification
A number of changes have been implemented in the USB 3.0 technology to the growing demands of external devices to computers binding needs. Here's a quick overview on USB technology, we have:
Speed ​​data transfer
The new user interface with amazing speed Zyadsh actual transfer rate of 3200 Mbps (or 3.2 gigabits per second) provides for data transfer. The theory of signaling rate of 4.8 gigabits a second.
Data transfer
USB 3.0 full-duplex data transmission technology has been introduced for the first time. 5 lines, two lines are reserved for data transmission, while the other three are dedicated to receive data, which means it can read and write data to the USB 3.0 full speed at the same time. While The bi-directional data transfer technology USB 2.0 Specification (bi-directional data transfer) is not supported.
The amount of energy stored per unit increased to 150 mA for a configured system based on USB 3.0 can be recharged by a maximum of 6 units, which is the current density of 900 mA. The flow rate was 80% over USB 2.0, resulting in a much shorter time to charge a device via USB or powering more than 4 devices at the same time to have a hub. In addition, the minimum operating voltage of 4.4 V to 4 units decreased, which saves power consumption.
Energy Management
USB 3.0 is the base of all the devices connected to a hub (called device polling) USB 2.0, which had been abolished, and the protocol disconnect unused devices (interrupt-driven protocol) replaced have. Consequently, devices that are currently connected by USB to a computer but it is not practical, because it is unable to discharge the powers they need to have a signal from the device to start data transfer. USB 2.0 host controller in active relationship was constantly studying, which is slowly being emptied of its power. In short, USB 3.0 idle mode (idle), sleep (sleep), and suspension (suspend) mode and also link-, device-, and function-level power management benefit 
Physical Appearance
The characteristics described above, the physical appearance of USB 3.0 have changed. The thicker the cable that already took that name because it contains 4 wires than USB 2.0, it seems this is not the case now., But the main advantage is the way to install that, Simply connect the device to USB 3.0 port. As shown in the figure below consists of a set of ports for connecting additional connections