Lung organ in Chinese medicine and its role in skin beauty and body Svrn:
In Chinese medicine, the lung is the organ that determines the quality of the appearance of the skin, lungs hurt of grief and concern over the negative impact of bad weather on the organ has.
Suppose someone had the personal life of family, friends or your family has lost, has been a major setback in life, there is much grief, which resulted in the opening the pores of the skin darkening of the skin and are blurring the color and skin quality will begin to deteriorate.

It's odd how you use the cream does, how can he peels for beauty care, how many different ways this can be corrected, and after these Nazybayy a month, the 3 and 6 months later, the treatment it still organ and the surface has been treated and it "has not taken into the body and organs of the body and can be done again Nazybayy.
An example: We say that the Chinese medicine the spleen is responsible for the digestion of food and gives energy to other organs, a person taking a hard diet to organ damage and a drooping face, chest, abdomen, back and arms, from the Chinese medicine is more easily understandable and treatment of individuals with poor nutrition and spleen will be in trouble.
Chinese medicine for the treatment of fine gradually, but no damage and is in balance and harmony.

All the beauty of face and body treatments and puffiness under the eyes and dark circles under the eyes:
In Chinese medicine, the kidneys also play an important role in the definition of beauty is different from Western medicine and Western medicine in the body, usually the "The definition of the different skin.
The patient continued to overwork and exhaustion, fear and anxiety of intermittent, excessive salt intake and high sexual activity, frequent deliveries, heavy menstrual weaken organs such as the kidney and the effects of under-eye puffiness, circles under Eye black eye will appear.
We need to treat this Nazybayy to change your lifestyle and the body must be balanced with acupuncture and Chinese medicine methods Nazybayy face to go away.

Organs, especially the liver of unknown cause pimples or acne, beauty, face and body rashes and eczema:
In Chinese medicine, the liver can heat the entire upper body, including the liver, an organ that is playing and eating pickles, strong spices and be influenced by individual anger. When the temperature rises for whatever reason, a person may also suffer from acne or pimples and blemishes. Kbdsh if such a person to reach equilibrium, the face and body acne and eczema of the skin caused by the treatment will be.
Chinese medicine, the liver is the organ that acne or pimples, rashes and eczema on the face and body makes. When the liver is not in balance and harmony Vagzma acne and blemishes no reason to vent.

Chinese medicine beauty in the heart of the organization:
Other organs in Chinese medicine, the heart is there.'s organs, brain, consciousness, emotions and perception checks.'s a Chinese proverb and quotes of ancient Chinese doctors have been quoted statement that "the glory of his heart represents "a way of putting fresh flowers and joyful heart is an organ of balance and a heart that suffers from depression and heartbreak, emotions and sadness of the heart is extremely can not complain to provide the necessary.
Ambdyng or goth coat with acupuncture and can it come from within the organization to fully dissolve.
Drmanjvhayy this medicine have experienced or come to it after 3 to 5 weeks or a month to a month and a half after treatment, virtually, "without exception In addition to being they are to have a within In addition, the body's feel good performance and better energy flow in our bodies every one of our friends say they can see how much change we are younger, face opened, years Theres urgent back.

FAQ client about these topics:
What is the definition of beauty in Chinese medicine for ages?
In terms of Chinese medicine, with a reserve of energy, blood Vhyat the world come to Gvyndkh Jing essence of our existence is that it is stored in the body and life of all of these stores are in use both illnesses, stress, lack of sleep, we reserve the earlier, the sooner the body wears out and Chinese medicine can be stored in a manner that we will return again to the body and slows the amount of the reserve, and even Some of these organizations are doing.
But of course, "The more one gets to beauty treatments go, the results faster, sharper and lasting is.
For example, "a person who is 50 or 60 years old to 30 years old more than one answer is Chinese medicine, wrinkles and double chin that I have with aging, and other things I droopy eyelids does conceptual.

Open skin pores of Chinese medicine to explain?
The lung is the organ weakness due to the reasons explained, it can be treated.

Do you need to use Chinese medicine to treat worms and other beauty items?
We're constantly exposed to infectious agents that invade the body's first line of defense is the skin and the body's first line of defense air lung, stomach and spleen are the body's first line of defense food and feeling the body's first barrier is the Chinese medicine the liver. When Continuing a series of disease-causing pathogens that cause the body to have a strong body Chd Mvajhh be any good to deal with these factors is difficult.
For example, "If we're in a Zndgsy good weather conditions and have less stress in your life, naturally," the skin care needs of the poor and infect a person lives in weather conditions and take care of more than is wants.
We take care of the intense energy of the sun with sunscreen and skin Yang want to get better the more you want to have both, but it should be in every Jfttsh have a lot of stress if the Our body is very Shdysd it constantly and always have.

Chinese medicine can define oily skin?
The lack of appropriate fluids to the skin in Chinese medicine, we have a term called Chinese medicine is a combination of fluids and viscous liquids is that it plays with the body fluids of the lung. Terms of Chinese medicine into the fluid distribution in the spleen regulate body fluids may not be a lot of skin and oily skin or skin to be less liquid and dry skin. configuring two internal organs without having to work on the face can do treat get adequate moisture to the skin.

The cracking effect of weight or load is created by how you are treated?
The weakness of the spleen and lungs caused cracks in terms of Chinese medicine is that it's somewhat less visible on the side. Come Mslah "slay, and the cracks of a cm wide abdomen is health The treatment is approximately 3 mm from the cut makes a person feel, touch and see that it was less curative surgery is not possible because the Turks have no way except that area of ​​the skin in the collagen and can not be restored.
In the infancy of the human body is very high because the body is consistent with the nature of energy and energy-yard Chinese medicine is any damage to the body or treat the pregnancy a of the regime's mother is organs the body, They will balance the Turks will remain unchanged. lean or obese when the body fails to stand up and stretch the skin develops cracks.
