How to keep skin smooth and beautiful - we believe in Chinese medicine, certain topics are smooth and beautiful body, beautiful Azdrvn In Chinese medicine it is believed that if we have a balance of some of the organs that are responsible for cosmetic reason to Nazybayy If there is no body, briefly Agrhrkt fluids, blood, and there is enough moisture in the body, we will have a beautiful face and body
In Chinese medicine, like medicine, Japanese, Hindi and other holistic medicine in the world, and what common sense to believe that if the yard energy moving chi energy (Qi) to be more balance in the body, including the face are formed Nazybayy .
The problem is that we are in Persian and Western thinking is that, if separated from the body Knyym thought that this particular cultural reasons or because of the subjectivity of history and time, and perhaps if you most where it is visible to others and ourselves., this has led us to think that if my face, skin rashes body no problem, or if my face is what to do with the body, or if the skin of my face What is the relationship with the organization.
Instead we have this idea that if my intestines and stomach function of the urinary problem is not set and if the organs balance, and harmony I may not be So how Nazybayy to do and have the beauty being within unbalanced if you are in any way unworthy will make again.
As the poet said foot end of the house is destroyed / eunuch at the porch of the Paragraph
Chronic constipation is a problem, as it is a herniated disc, a severe digestive problems, emotional problems, stress and so this makes the skin of the face and body Nazybayy come into being.
Some women try to be part of the problems that the skin or eyes Nazybayy others on the basis of different surface treatments that not only fail to do it 'of the work will the problems root diseases in the body remains.
Spleen organ and its role in skin beauty and skin problems such as sagging skin on the face and body:
Beautiful skin - Chinese every organ has its own effects on the skin, leaving the body short of its duty to keep the spleen and spleen energy as well as the skin is the body's other organs to keep the body in their place, the The beauty of Chinese medicine for digestive organs as well. strongest digestion time of 5 to 7 am most weak, its state after sunset to midnight, the obsession with the body suffers.
Imagine you are a person who constantly thinks and thoughts due to busy work rotating or night due to work days, until noon of up to 2 middle of the night sleeps and dinner awake also eats late. This organ because responsible the digestion of heavy meals will have a negative effect on it.
This organ is injured so badly and expect to have good skin. Well an individual that definitely "face and body with sagging skin, double chin and along the belly and loose skin, sagging skin, the skin of Medicine Chinese spleen organ failure and lack of balance and therefore unworthy if we have time., if it's a problem with other methods of treatment Vaftadgy jowl face and body on the slow side, but the spleen organ and treatment of the problem is again In a short period of skin problems will be found again in the face and body.
