World economic situation today is such that many of us have experienced some sort of pressing economic concerns. If you want to save money and have fewer financial concerns, be sure to note the following:

1 - Make a list of Mkharjtan
Instead of doing all the accounts and books in mind and sort of ask yourself how much money is spent, and now I've ... Make a list and write down all the costs. This way you will have more control over the monthly expenses and an incentive to save, and you'll find out unnecessary expenses.

2 - When you are feeling hungry or do not buy
When you're feeling like you're glad you like it or something, do not buy because they are likely to be extravagant and buy things they do not need much. In order to escape the negative feelings we often take our minds off the sad things we buy things that they are happy for a while. For example, it may have just gone to the store to buy a shirt but a pair of pants, a jacket and a pair of socks and other things to go home. However, buying such things will make us happy for a while, but it soon goes away and then we are happy to stay and more by unnecessary and a free account!
The same holds true when you go to the store and you are very hungry. Hunger may push you and soon you may see any of the products within the store can Khrydnsh think!

3 - yourself with exciting activities and fun loving people to
Instead of working to relieve fatigue after a day of work and hassle to go to a fast food restaurant which is happy to pay other activities are also expensive. With family members or friends to fun activities like gardening or painting or a pay activity. Usually when bored, pathetic or only do we spend more, so try your favorite ways to fill your time.

4 - little by little, but always save
Some people think they can not save their income is not high, but this is like saying that because it will not idle all day, to be to exercise for a time. Experts agree that the best way to boost savings bank account is low, but we must always continue to do so. Suddenly, instead of a huge portion of your salary into account the size of the deposit and pay the remaining few days of the month to keep a small amount each time savings. You will find yourself without further notice will be the size of every month. Much more control of your account balance, you will be more motivated to find savings.

5 - much to the amusement assign
It occasionally assign a cost to recreational activities. If you do not have enough leisure conditions might suddenly get tired of the extreme size overnight to spend. Would you like to buy a new TV for the living room? Would you like to go on a vacation? Then just start saving money.

6 - to finance blogs or create your own blog
Blog with money issues and has recently invested a lot of fans and they are an inspiration to many people. The road down to the cost of their lives can be interesting to hear from others. Even if you have enough courage, you can have your own blog and share their recommendations. It is not only those who are like-minded in economic terms you can communicate, but you will create a motivated and proud of it.

8 - Ask others for help
If you really feel that pressure you feel comfortable and want to help others. Please consult a financial expert and Shrayttan to share with him. These people face a problem similar to the problem you are experiencing and presenting a realistic plan to solve the financial problems will help you.
