Job Title :


Job definition :

The attorney assign meaning , trust and reliance on others. In terms whereby religious and marry someone else to do something that his successor will be . The meaning is both literal representation . It lexical meaning loved giving to others. But Mnayastlahy is narrower . Because anything can be given to others . Prayer can not be transferred to another Vajbsh a zombie so he can read the meaning of the word or phrase, advocacy , public and private, I have not .

Categories ( Group ) Job

Administration - Social

The main job duties and responsibilities :

Helping people to achieve their rights and helping to judge the verdict was just and legal advice to people familiar with the laws in the matter in dispute

Necessity of work :

Due to the multitude of unfamiliar laws and people to achieve their right

Qualifications necessary for obtaining jobs :

Bachelor 's degree or higher degree in law and a legal file

Skills, experience and training to gain employment Vdvrh :

Postsecondary education and training courses at the Bar Association 's Section 4 ( criminal , civil, family , health )

Workplace conditions :

Enclosed space such as courts of justice Vdftrkar

Equipment and tools necessary to do the job :

A lawyer for the success of further rules and regulations Drkarkhvd only legal Vjzayy needs to be said that the whole argument of Cellular expression, it means a lawyer .

Vtvanayyhay physical properties of the body to do the job :

Health and physical strength , fatigue resistance , verbal ability

Asrdranjam job without disabilities :

Perhaps the least affected arm or leg disabilities Radrshghl However, due to the harsh conditions of legal representation , but the least handicapped can be Attorney Radrkaryk maximum efficiency .

 Vtvanmndyhay subjective mental qualities needed to do the job :

Assertiveness , reasoning , creativity, intellectual and good rhetoric is essential to success in this field .

Rghbthay required for the job :

A lawyer should be loved and love this field if the goal is to make sure the job is only living a lawyer will not succeed.
It may be difficult to gain licensing rights, but it is very difficult to get a good lawyer . Today, the science of law sociology, psychology and philosophy of science is mixed and a lawyer must be knowledgeable of Science

Personal characteristics ( emotional , social behavior ) to do the job :

A lawyer for being able to recognize the emotional reactions taking Aztasyr Vhsasyt he uses psychology should be tasteful .

There is a certain moral conditions of a good lawyer who is defending himself or another

and stimulated with fortitude and without any uncertainty and anxiety to defend his or her client while preserving their independence and freedom of Nhrasd nothing .

So overall a good lawyer should be able to stand in front of the building and give emotional atmosphere surrounding environment and not

Vastkhdam place of employment :

Justice , corporate legal departments and agencies , the Bar Association and its attorney Dftrshkhsy ( self-employment )

Legal aspects of financing :

referral .

Conditions Promotion:

Graduate and doctoral education continues to experience

How to hire entry jobs :

Through employment tests , interviews , special selection bar in press releases

Career connections :

Baaqsharmkhtlf people - justice - Dygrvbsth lawyers to file various institutions Baadarat may be related to another type of relationship , a lawyer has a limited range .

Job desirability and limitations :

Utility : to help people achieve their full
Limitations: Committed and responsible towards the people and work hard , spend leisure time for study, to deal with cases

Unions , associations , professional organizations related to the job :

Judiciary - Bar Association

Next Job:

Including a Bachelor of Law degree that certain rights can social work expertise, must have done a very good Dhdvdramd

A typical day for the current job :

Place Vrahhay more information about the job :

Relevant publications of magazines - please refer to legal residents Bar Association website - go to the city attorney - court

Vpyshnhadlazm recommended for applicants to this job :

First of all abilities and aptitudes necessary knowledge to enter the job and a lot of passion , piety protect the rights of people and having a job tolerating hardships stress of all it pressure on .
