Introduction :

There are two main courses of study in psychology : The first specific goal , to train people in the practical and theoretical concepts and research methods of the science learned at one of the branches of General Psychology, professional skills exception clinical and that in many applications , to obtain. Second , the general purpose of the students with theoretical principles , concepts and methods of psychology to understand .
Psychology is defined differently in its short history . The first group of psychologists knew of his career studying mental activity . At the beginning of this century with the development of behaviorism and its emphasis on exclusive study objectively measurable phenomena , psychology was defined as behavior .
The definition often includes the study of animal behavior and human behavior , assuming that the data obtained from experiments with animals apply to humans.are .
Because the definition of psychology deals with the study objectively observable behaviors and to understand the mental processes that are not directly observable behavioral and biological inference is based on data , is given .

  1 - as a business

Clinical Psychology

2 - Define the job :

Psychology is the scientific study of how and why different aspects of animal behavior , especially human . The most common definition of the behavior and various aspects of it. In other words, in a sense, can be called the science of psychology , because the subject matter of psychology as a science of behavior , actions and reactions of animals and humans in terms of location around the world.

The purpose of the " behavior " of those states , habits, activities, actions and reactions of humans and is relatively stable and will always be visible , measurement, assessment and prediction .

3 - Ordination ( Group ) Job

Clinical Psychology is the Ministry of Health

4 - The main job duties and responsibilities :

Various tasks is a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist at the Institute of Education and Training that works well is a science that depends. For example, a clinical psychologist in a psychiatric hospital duties may be limited to the diagnosis through testing or psychotherapy to engage or be engaged in research , or teach others to undertake. Well may be a clinical psychologist in schools , centers counseling for children , prisons , hospitals, universities , chambers education , kindergartens , the Ministry of Labor and other agencies will do the job .

5 - The importance of business necessity :

   Machine in the world today is frightening and nerve pressure and mental agony suffered all makes

teacher painstaking , almost everyone should have on their psychology and others are able to heal his soul . Some of these also have a clinical psychologist specializing in the study of mental disorders and treat them . Parenting practices , knowledge, family circumstances that cause aggression , or self- Bygany is a penal offense . The impact of television violence on children, anger management , find meaning in life, prevention Bymarshdn ( mental illness )
Psychology also through influencing policy , affect people's lives .
Criminal law and the circumstances in which a person is considered responsible for their actions , all of which are psychological theories and research .
Note that all aspects of psychology affects our lives , worthy that even those who seek expertise in this field are not aware of this knowledge may be brief .

6 - Degree qualification required for the job :

Clinical psychology qualifications required for the job depends on the type of institution and the task he has undertaken . For example, may be paid with a bachelor's degree in school counseling , but to the person who is engaged in hospitals or prisons , it should have at least a master's degree .

7 - Skill , experience, special training Vdvrh Ahrazshghl :

4 Major clinical psychology undergraduate education of exceptional children , industrial, institutional and public . Clinical psychology services for diagnosis and treatment ( psychotherapy ) to individuals who suffer from abnormal behaviors such as depression , anxiety , OCD , etc., are offers services in three areas of diagnosis, treatment, and suggest ways to prevent problems and behavioral abnormalities be provided .understanding between employer and employee is to be studied . General Psychology General psychology deals with the study and application of psychology psychology and education of exceptional children with exceptional children ( gifted and physically disabled ) is.

8 - Conditions of work :

if a sofa that is comfortable to sit and lie down on it .

9 - supplies and tools necessary to do the job :

in this way, the tool can also be used as psychological tests .

10 - Physical Vtvanayyhay physical characteristics needed to do the job :

physical fitness is necessary to defend himself .

11 - inert disabilities fulfilling job :

defects may be affected , but so is able to use his strengths is that he welcomes the participation of the community . For example, can a person who has suffered injury in his eyes , he wanted to incorporate other members of your body , or help to cover his perfect family, a person who is impaired feet work computerized fruitful direction typing , converted . So we can say with a positive view of disability and impairment and other capabilities in the minds cleared payment handicapped .
A psychologist can Mthdvkvsha educated person capable of changing their Zvhm defects can not be disabled because life overshadowed his disability disability Qrargyrdvayn Brkarav negative effects .

12 - mental properties , mental abilities necessary to do the job :

Vskhn listening to a psychologist is telling two essential features . , A psychologist must be able to endure Sbrv Varamsh your inner space for clients and Avajaz·h Ayjadknd the discharge of his mental Vdghdghh to express their

13 - willing to do the job required :

Good strong mathematical and statistical requirements of the Statistics One of the cornerstones of the field of psychology and is also strong in English , because we have a lot of psychology books in Persian .

this field is strong .


14 - Personal characteristics ( emotional , social behavior ) to do the job :

Students in this course should have a great view of the surrounding community in order to understand the subtleties of behavioral and psychological characteristics of people who seek to destroy the .one of the major problems is over .

just look at him as a sick man who has come to help Zamand . Morally as well as a clinical psychologist , because different patients ( both women and men) must face the moral issues of faith and God forbid, not weakness .

15 - Place of employment Vastkhdam :

Today, graduates of this course is primarily absorbed in education or mental hospitals , child guidance clinics , prisons , kindergartens , schools and ... Organizations are , or as some expert psychology and clinical psychology or psychiatry as a specialist assistant work . Be done .

16 - Financial and legal aspects :

17 - improvement : the rise of psychology can be taken to get more experience and qualifications noted above .

18 - Career Mode Vvrvd job

There will be employed according to the local laws and then held a series of tests carried Vgzynsh Amvrastkhdamy the test procedures will be absorbing state agencies .

19 - Career connections :

Psychiatry and psychology in a relationship with a psychologist is not a physician . For example, psychologists can not prescribe medication but the psychiatrists , doctors and psychologists treat mental disorders , unlike drugs used in the treatment of psychological disorders , but psychological tests ( test ) uses. Is almost constant contact with all other medical specialties . With a variety of artists, writers, and people in other professions are Nyztmas

20 - Utility and limitations jobs :

Vmtlvbyt the benefits of the spiritual discipline of psychology can be noted.Unlike diseases such as colds will prescribe medication that may be overcome . Community and its services do not yet know enough about psychology . Still active bloggers in prayer .

21 - unions or associations and organizations related to the job :

Iranian Psychological Association - Organization of Psychology and Counselling - Counselling Association of

22 - The Future Job:

 Psychology Today has an association with all aspects of our lives , and much more complex society becomes , the more vital problems of human psychology takes over . This means a wide variety of career opportunities for psychology graduates .
According to experts in the field of psychology in our country's future is bright and promising future graduates in this field should see her tomorrow . Because our country is one of the developing countries without taking advantage of the various branches of psychology can not be holistic development .

23 - the current Rvzady for a job :

 we treat them .

24 - Place Vrahhay Byshtrdrbarh job information :

 Psychology journals , such as : a) quarterly b University Psychology ) Cognitive Psychology and Journal ...

Psychology teachers - school counselors - Online Community for ...

25 - Vpyshnhadlazm recommended for applicants to this job :

( good returns ) formerly Asharshd be the right choice . Meanwhile Dygrgrchh Considering the talents , interests , conditions, individual, family , community , and ...efficiency is a wife and family .
