Today, bad breath, halitosis is a common dramatically and causing resentment and frustration with others in the community who are suffering from bad breath . Also on marriage and the family members with the disease and more attention is being criticized
mind and just to avoid him .
which may have consequences in advance .
But in the case of mouth -related halitosis is the unknown , the laser Azmaynh can be done by the expert , without surgery, pain or bleeding definitively rid of bad breath .
Several things can cause bad breath include :
1 - unrelated oral cavity
Digestive disorders such as gastritis , sinusitis , dehydration, smoking, consumption of onions or garlic .
2 - for reasons related to the oral cavity can be divided into three sections:
_ Teeth
Improper filling of teeth or dental restorations , in effect creating a protective Gyrghzayy in the gums around the tooth damage is said to be in itself can cause bad breath .
_ Gums :
Bleeding and redness of the gum tissue with characteristic symptoms of non- correct brushing and withdrawal of food gums , bad breath will also .
_ Language :
Small group of people , high levels of taste buds ( villi language ) at the end of the tongue can cause bad breath that is caused by brushing the tongue usually " bad breath goes away .
The main cause of gingivitis and bad breath :
're brushing is formed during the conversion process is known to be a crime .
Mass associated with the dental gum gum groups above and below the gums that cause bad breath, they can be divided into :
1 - Top gingival masses
Usually " are visible and may be limited to a tooth or group of teeth and gums of a crime will be less affected .
2 - the crimes gingival
are .
Surgical procedures in the oral cavity bad breath :
As mentioned, the most important factor Drhfrh oral halitosis is a crime under the gums that is curable with 2 ways :
Common procedure for the treatment of halitosis :
The primary goal of treatment is to eliminate the conditions that cause the occurrence of gingivitis and gum problems have been corrected .
Treatment for halitosis in the 4-step procedure is done in advanced stages of disease, bad breath , usually " surgical treatments are also inevitable .
In conventional treatments of surgery, an incision in the gum ( flap ) , the level of the gum tissue and bone mass separated , and Alhab infected tissue are removed .
After washing the area with antimicrobial substances surgery again , " Raw gum tissue back into place and sutured there . Had stitches after the surgery and the use of antibiotics and pain relievers is vital .
And now with laser treatment, bad breath , bleeding , and pain -free dentistry :
Since the treatment of halitosis with laser closes blood vessels and bleeding gums swollen after surgery and laser surgery there, so the laser method is acceptable and many people with bad breath are satisfied .
Laser treatment for bad breath , gum pain by blocking nerve fibers in 90% of those causes .
The laser treatment for halitosis , post- surgical care is eliminated , so that by the end of the session , the patient can comfortably eat , contrary to conventional surgery .
Laser treatment for bad breath and eventually the gum tissue by laser welding ability , requiring the probability of the stitching will remove the excess gum tissue ( scar ) is minimized .
others are not making another side
mind and just to avoid him .
which may have consequences in advance .
But in the case of mouth -related halitosis is the unknown , the laser Azmaynh can be done by the expert , without surgery, pain or bleeding definitively rid of bad breath .
Several things can cause bad breath include :
1 - unrelated oral cavity
Digestive disorders such as gastritis , sinusitis , dehydration, smoking, consumption of onions or garlic .
2 - for reasons related to the oral cavity can be divided into three sections:
_ Teeth
Improper filling of teeth or dental restorations , in effect creating a protective Gyrghzayy in the gums around the tooth damage is said to be in itself can cause bad breath .
_ Gums :
Bleeding and redness of the gum tissue with characteristic symptoms of non- correct brushing and withdrawal of food gums , bad breath will also .
_ Language :
Small group of people , high levels of taste buds ( villi language ) at the end of the tongue can cause bad breath that is caused by brushing the tongue usually " bad breath goes away .
The main cause of gingivitis and bad breath :
're brushing is formed during the conversion process is known to be a crime .
Mass associated with the dental gum gum groups above and below the gums that cause bad breath, they can be divided into :
1 - Top gingival masses
Usually " are visible and may be limited to a tooth or group of teeth and gums of a crime will be less affected .
2 - the crimes gingival
are .
Surgical procedures in the oral cavity bad breath :
As mentioned, the most important factor Drhfrh oral halitosis is a crime under the gums that is curable with 2 ways :
Common procedure for the treatment of halitosis :
The primary goal of treatment is to eliminate the conditions that cause the occurrence of gingivitis and gum problems have been corrected .
Treatment for halitosis in the 4-step procedure is done in advanced stages of disease, bad breath , usually " surgical treatments are also inevitable .
In conventional treatments of surgery, an incision in the gum ( flap ) , the level of the gum tissue and bone mass separated , and Alhab infected tissue are removed .
After washing the area with antimicrobial substances surgery again , " Raw gum tissue back into place and sutured there . Had stitches after the surgery and the use of antibiotics and pain relievers is vital .
And now with laser treatment, bad breath , bleeding , and pain -free dentistry :
Since the treatment of halitosis with laser closes blood vessels and bleeding gums swollen after surgery and laser surgery there, so the laser method is acceptable and many people with bad breath are satisfied .
Laser treatment for bad breath , gum pain by blocking nerve fibers in 90% of those causes .
The laser treatment for halitosis , post- surgical care is eliminated , so that by the end of the session , the patient can comfortably eat , contrary to conventional surgery .
Laser treatment for bad breath and eventually the gum tissue by laser welding ability , requiring the probability of the stitching will remove the excess gum tissue ( scar ) is minimized .
others are not making another side