Why do scientists understand the perspective of an obligation? (Perspective, figure drawing of three-dimensional objects on a flat surface such as height, width, depth, spacing, etc. with respect to the real, it seems.) Sometimes it is necessary to draw shapes draw the most desirable device The photo showed the main aspects because they can remove unnecessary details. However, it seems that a relatively small number of scientists with the basic rules seem to produce images of three-dimensional objects are introduced. Sometimes, when the subject turns to the person who wants a way to interpret that as one of my colleagues has been 
Fyzykdanash. Infer spatial relationships between the various components depicted in the figure, for example, is part of a system may seem difficult for a person. For example, it may be difficult to determine on which side of the track. Understanding the basics of technical drawing for the physicist (fellow) could transfer forms in order to meet him. Simple laws of perspective drawing, the artist does not scientists, enabling them to produce three-dimensional objects forms of speech. In most cases, knowing a few commands is enough. The instructions are simple concepts that scientists often have to deal with them in their daily activities. A good example simple three-dimensional image of two cubes. Researchers usually Mqalhshan to illustrate the complex forms they need to know, but these cubes can be helpful perspective.
Most people understand that you do not physically see it, but only in front of it are seen sideways. For example, consider the two cubes, which clearly shows that the two cubes are placed next to each other.
Suppose the cubes to the left of the picture to the left to the right image is transferred to new locations arise. Suppose the image on the right, left, the new location of the cube, the cube is left in the left image. It is not clear what is left of the cube has come a shift in the way. I went straight up to reach the new position or have moved to the right, behind cu. Once the form is ambiguous because it lacks the proper perspective. However, the following relationship is evident between the two cubes. Another cube cube is left behind.
How in the past have been able to clearly show the relationship between the two cubes? The obvious answer is left now is a cube smaller than the other. Ancient paintings on the walls of caves suggests that prehistoric humans knew of course that is far smaller than what is seen physically. But how much smaller? By Filippo Brunelleschi The answer was found in the fifteenth century. After a while he searches, he discovered the basic laws of perspective. This is one of a handful of examples of cases that progress in science is the art of transformation. Two mathematician named Jean Gerard Dzarg Pvnslh using commands Brunelleschi had invented geometry.
Answer the question of "how much less" return to the principles of perspective drawing. When we look at an object, the object may be higher, lower, or Hmartfa our eyes. The first perspective drawing a horizontal line that would be tantamount to the horizon. Actually most of the time looking at things, look down. In this case we consider here for simplicity.
To map the physical form as it is seen from the above, we draw the line at skyline on the ruling body. The top and bottom edges of the cubes so that the lines are drawn along the surface to see where they are called "break points" each other (on the horizon) to cut. Now we draw the vertical edges and along the tear lines just come on their own.
Where the break points of view (or horizontal) should be placed? Geometry rules so complex that it is a better option intuitive to do this. For example, to draw a box, pull the nearest vertical edge. The upper edge of the faces and drag it along the surface of your eyes. This means complete. With the right choice to escape from the other side of it so that the angle of the line drawn down the line previously drawn more than ninety degrees to. Similarly, the new way to get the perfect spot to escape the past.
It should be noted that the form does not seem consistent with the fact that the human eye perspective, it is quite accurate in terms of flexible and to some extent the perspective is accurate objects, Open real seen. For example, the escape point of view can be found in several places on the surface so that the box is still true (you can try different result).
Researchers often want to display a different basic shape is circular or cylindrical. Understanding the principles of perspective and horizon - the horizon and escape point - there will be no problem because every circle of circular objects can be enclosed in a square. To draw a circle to see if they want to be seen in proper perspective must include it to draw a square. It must be enclosed in a square the circle is tangent to the middle of the square sides. The vertical axis is not exactly an oval shape, but you can use the template to make it fireproof ovals. Note that for perspective drawing cylinders must "box" contains the cube will draw it.
How to draw a rectangle with rounded bodies can cope with most forms needed to draw these two components Brayym because most of the devices are essential.
The basic perspective drawing commands are as follows:
- Specify the object from which you want to view appears, from the top or the bottom.
- Draw a line horizontally to see the level.
- All lines 'parallel' to draw edges such that each point on the horizon line to stop the run. Finally, the squares the circle on which they can draw a perspective drawing.
The concept of perspective is of course simplified. Remember to show the real picture is enough to make them almost right perspective. This latter figure is not drawn exactly right, because the vertical lines at the bottom are too close to the bottom of the observer's eye away from them. However, it is not necessary to follow the same format as acceptable and speak loud enough. Artists are often more interesting and pleasant ways to kill it from the perspective that deviate somewhat accurate - way of looking perspective seems to be quite accurate - it looks like there are probably more useful technical drawings, not paintings. Perspective should serve humanity, not the other way like any source of trouble.
