On a regular basis, someone asks me what kind/brand of make-up I wear. My answer is always the same. I wear everything from MAC and Nars to Cover Girl and Maybelline. But I’ve found that the make-up we use is not as important as the skincare we use. The better our skin, the less make-up we need.
So, through the years people have offered me samples of the latest craze of skincare. Supplements for the skin, serums, primers, exfoliators, even home-microderm procedures. I’ve tried so many products and procedures it’s almost dizzying. I’ve done Botox, CO2 Lasers, chemical exfoliators…you name it. But I’ve never found something as incredible as the products I use today.

Let me be clear. I wasn’t looking for the “next” thing to get into. I’m already too busy. I’m still modeling full-time, I’m a professional speaker and author for Modeling Christ and I’m a wife and mama. But this…this is something spectacular. I am always hesitant to ever give an endorsement for products, even though opportunities to do so are frequent. In fact, this line of skin care, didn’t seek my endorsement.
I simply found a line of skin-care that works. It works for every age and every skin type. This isn’t your “cleanser/toner/moisturizer” combo. This is different. It utilizes anti-aging formulas for optimum skin health. There is no water in these products, rather burn-victim, hospital grade, aloe as its base. It produces immediate and long-term results, and does not contain sulfates, surfactants, artificial colors or fragrances. They can be used on all skin types, including sensitive skin. And, there is a visible difference in ones skin in as little as one minute. For clarity, I use face cleanser wipes like Dove to clean, then apply these products every morning and evening. (Well, almost every morning and evening!)
