OH how I enjoy the bulking stage of fitness, the quantity is terrific since I really enjoy eating A LOT! First picture is my daily food I take with me to work :P

I just got the go ahead to start increasing my food intake a bit since my metabolism is getting used to this new diet. I find myself getting really hungry within an hour of each meal, regardless of the quantity.  I've been told to increase the seitan in my salad and to have a combination of two of my choice of either apples, almonds or a protein shake. I got that email on the train to work today and once I got off I immediately went and got some snacks!

Being hungry is not a good thing while on a muscle gain program so I'm incredibly happy about eating more! yay! My main purpose on this post is to share one special treat I've been eating that I think is exquisite! The lady thinks other wise but the other few people I've had try it seem to like it as well, you can be the judge! This is incredibly simple and if you love sweet potatoes as much as me then you should enjoy!

Ingredients you'll need:
8oz sweet potato
1 Tablespoon Almond butter
Bake sweet potato, remove skin(obviously) and mix all three together! use as much cinnamon as desired, I use a lot since I love it so much